† Latest Strip: "The Beginning Pt4" - Sunday, February 24, 2019

- Latest Strip: "The Beginning Pt4" -
Sunday, February 24, 2019

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Ha HA! Stuff...

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And Now you know the Rest of the Story. = )

There we go! The story of how Biff and Rosa met has Finally been told. I just wish I had something more to write here beyond that but I can't think of anything that'd work. It has been pleasantly even here at the House of Amill over the past week. A nice change, I assure you.

Instead of trying to pull together something strange or funny, I'm simply going to post a new suit I "built" in the game 'New Gundam Breaker'. I found out they had some kits added that I had wanted to try (and possibly add to my ever-growing "Must Buy" list) and a little grinding got me enough parts to toss something I like together.

I call this Queenbreaker. = )

Current Bits of HG Kits in this:

- G-Self (Head)

- Gundam TR-6 Woundwort (Body)

- Gundam Legilis (Arms, Backpack)

- Mack Knife (Legs)

I'm trying to get that list down to just the Mack Knife and the Woundwort with some extra Builder Parts but those were the ones I currently have unlocked. As I've said elsewhere, I'd Love to stream this game but Bandai has it blocked and I have neither the funds nor the desire to fix my extra rig up right now to act as a streaming machine for my consoles. That's a project for much later.

And that's about it for me! Next strip up is an "Ask". You, too, can ask questions of the crew and possibly get a reply in comic form! Simply click the 'Ask a Vampire' link on the page or send an email titled 'Ask a Vampire' to biff(at)SillyVamp(dot)com!

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, February 24, 2019 - 12:49 AM

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